Worldwin Investments Limited is a private equity real estate/commodity company in Canada. In addition to interests in real estate Worldwin can arrange for the purchase of base commodities – Fertilizers, Fuels & Sugar. Most real estate purchases are structured as limited partnerships. Investors purchase limited partnership units representing their respective indirect equity interests in the underlying real estate asset. The investments/limited partnerships are closed-ended with capital raising occurring in one or more rounds of financing at the front end of an asset purchase. Very few, if any, redemptions of limited partners’ units during the term of the investment are allowed. A typical fixed term depending on the nature of the real estate asset, generally ranges from five to twenty years. In some instances, the real estate assets may be held longer extending the dissolution of the investment, typically in one or two year increments, in order to maximize the return to the investors derived from the underlying real estate asset. Worldwin is not accepting any outside involvement at this time.
"An Introduction"
Welcome to Worldwin